Sunday 26 February 2012

Happy Friday.

There's nothing much to blog about actually. School is as usual, I think this week was slightly better. But still... I really dread school, and I wish I could just take a lifetime of mc and stay at home. Had McDonald's with Rachel, Kelly, Mei Ling and Ya Ling on Friday. :) Went there because they're now having this McSpicy promotion wahahaha.

Recently I realised that no matter how early I sleep on weekdays, I'll always have a hard time waking up in the morning. And no matter how late I sleep on weekends, I'll always wake up early the next day. Usually I'll only have 6 hours of sleep yet I won't feel tired at all. This is weird.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Don't lose hope.

Yay I've finally uploaded the photos hahahaha.

I've decided to update this blog cause I feel kinda weird for not updating it during the weekends. Last week's match, we (Tzehui and I) won Coral Sec and lost to Chung Cheng High by 4 freaking points. Sad much. ):

I feel that I've neglected my studies mainly because of my CCA. My Maths really deproved a lot. I even failed a test. (?!?!) And my common test result wasn't that good also. I don't understand why I can understand Maths in class but when it comes to test/exam, I just screw everything up. 

About 2 more weeks to the March holidays!!! :) Can't wait, really. I'm tired of school. 

Sunday 12 February 2012

The will to win.

Have been going to Bedok View almost everyday after school to watch the badminton boys' match. On Monday when we were watching Erfan's match, Venise told me his opponent looks like my friend. But I thought she was referring to the line judge. After awhile I realised that his opponent looks like Bryan Tan. I told Venise and she said previously she was talking about his opponent not the line judge. Omg I was super surprised to see him there. I waved at him but he pointed middle finger at me. ☹

I still did not know Erfan's opponent is Bryan when I took this picture. LOL. 

The one wearing spectacles is Bryan Tan. HAHAHA.

Darius and I!!! 

The boys' match has now ended and the girls' match just started on Friday. It was held in our school and I saw Kimberly!! Haha. Anyway, we played against Dunman High and we lost... Didn't expect to win since they're so strong but I'm still very disappointed. Next match will be on Tuesday, against Coral Secondary. We must win.

Sunday 5 February 2012

The four of us.

Aww it's Monday tomorrow. ☹ I hate Mondays cause I don't want to go back to school. Why does weekend only consist of 2 days!!! Anyway this week has been quite good as compared to the other weeks. ☺

The photos were taken on Friday, went to 85 market for dinner with Venise, Tzehui and Huiping before going back to school for the meet-the-parents session thingy. We didn't have much money, BUT, we still ate quite a lot. Hahaha. Super shiok. There are more photos but they're taking so long to load so I'll upload it the next time. Bye. ☺