Tuesday 20 September 2011

Wish you were here.

Hello, I'm using the Blogger application to blog now. :) I think I've made friends with books cause I've been studying everyday. Gonna start studying after typing this post! I still owe my English teacher tons of homework. I'm just too lazy.

I think people have never thought of me studying. Cause their impression of me is 'slacker', 'the one who always sleep in class' and 'always use handphone during lessons'. Actually I haven't change the bad habit of sleeping and using handphone during lessons but I'm starting to pay more attention during lessons. LOL I hope that this is a permeant change, but not temporary.

Anyway, I went to Bedok Point yesterday with Kelly and Shiqi to study and slack. :) We had our lunch at Yoshinoya and we felt that the food is too expensive so we decided to write it on the feedback form. And when we were filling in our particulars, I wrote that I work as a prostitute. HAHAHA. Please don't take it seriously. :) It was really hilarious cause Kelly and Shiqi also wrote some other funny names after that. I only remembered that Kelly wrote that she work as a toilet bowl cleaner. LOL.

Yup so that's it. Tomorrow's plan is to study for 2 hours after school then go collect the stuffs that I ordered online and finally, tuition at night. I really hope to do well for EOY. ):

Sunday 18 September 2011

What goes around comes back around.

I gotta type this post fast cause I have to turn in soon otherwise I'm afraid that I would be late for school again tomorrow just like last Friday. I woke up at 7.45am LOL.

The picture above is my messy table. You might be wondering why is there two clocks on my table. The one on the left is for me to check the time when I wake up. I'll turn my head to the left and look at the time. While the other one is for me to check the time when I'm studying. LOL.

Then the green container (Or whatever you call that.) is for me to put my stationery. I know the first thing you see is that minnie mouse pen! :P The black cloth beside it is for me to do black magic. (Y) HAHAHA I'm just kidding! It's for me to wipe my phone's screen. :)

And then there's a tissue box and last but not least, my book rack. So this is my table. :) Is this post something more different than the usual? Hope this is interesting enough haha. :)

Which subject do you think I'm studying? I bet you'll think of Home Econs but nope, I'm studying Science! Hahaha.

By the way, iPhone has an application for Blogger! :D So now I would be updating my blog more frequently. :) I think I would update it for thrice a week? With this application, I don't have to wait for every Sunday to blog. ^^ (I can only use computer once a week if you didn't know that.)

So do visit my blog for frequent updates alright. :) Goodnight and Happy New Year to those students who can't wait to go to school tomorrow! Oh, and good luck to those who are still mugging for tests and exams. :)

I love my jacket. ^^

Sunday 11 September 2011

Stop giving me false hopes.

Teacher's day celebration; 1/9/11.

It's hard to see people playing games like this in secondary school. ): 

Liek Zhong and I. He was at the same height as me when we were in P6 but now he has grown so tall! :o He's 172cm now omg I'm so short. 

Wu Tong and Guo Wei.

I don't know what was I doing LOL.

Teacher's day celebration was held at the parade square. #fail

Had class party half way and Meiling pulled me out of the class wtf. -.- She said she wants to go back to our primary school but going back at 9am was way too early. She was rushing and I told her it was too early for us to go back but she only realised that when we were at the bus stop. Seriously this is stupid.

We reached school at 9.30am and we had nothing to do. We were only allowed to go in at 1pm. Like what can we do?!? So I asked the students that were having recess to help me buy food and drinks and pass them to me through the side gate. Am I smart? ;) LOL. Since I was bored stiff and tired of waiting, I went to Yeechin's school.

After going to Yeechin's school,
Poi Ching → Playground slack → Yeechin's house → Home. :)

Escape Theme Park; 2/9/11.

Went to Escape Theme Park with Jingye, Congheng and Bryan. No pictures of Congheng and Bryan cause I put everything in the locker.

It was quite disappointing cause there were 2 rides that were closed. Kite flyer and Wet & Wild. We mainly went to the pirate ship, go kart and family coaster. Congheng and I even went into the haunted house, the others were afraid to go in. Hahaha. I'm so brave. (K actually I was screaming all the way. :P)

Congheng and Bryan left first while Jingye and I played till 6pm. Fun day spent with them. :)

PS. I'll do a post on my September holidays soon!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Greater things have yet to come.

Hi there! It's finally September, and the holidays are here. I'm gonna make full use of this one week break. Have to study for the upcoming tests and exams. Got back my CA2 results and I've done very poorly, I failed 4 subjects and my work is not consistent at all. I must improve on those subjects that I'm weaker in and I mustn't fail any subjects in term 4.

Well, there are many things that I wanna blog about but I'll just post it separately. Went out with Yeechin on 29/8 and it wasn't my day. I was very unlucky. Should be meeting her at 11.30am but I was late for almost 1h 30mins. I'm so sorry about that omg. Went to Bugis and Tampines and all the things that I bought was !@#$%^&*. CRAP.

Shorts: Slightly torn at the side.
Bag: The thingy was also torn.
Shirt: The colour was different from what I saw from the shop LOL.

And, the button of the shorts I wore out dropped. (Some more it was the first time I wore it out. -.-) Having said that, I had to change to the shorts that I bought. (Which the side is torn.)  I really don't know what else to say on what happened to me. I was just unlucky.

The previous day (28/8), went out with the family together with other groups of people to Hay Dairies Goat Farm, Qian Hu Fish Farm and Kok Fah Technology Farm. :) It was a fun trip. I like the fish farm the most as I caught many fishes from there! Awesome.

Random: I think my phone is very boring. I did not jailbreak my phone neither do I play any of the games. Haha.

I've been reading a lot nowadays, hahaha no joke. I finally knew who is my favourite author and what type of books I like to read the most. Ever since I bought the novel on the day I went out with Yeechin, I've been reading it everyday. And I slept at 2am yesterday cause I was reading it LOL.

Spent my day at the airport (again) on Friday. Wanted to finish up my homework but I forgotten to bring it. Revised for Science but nothing seemed to be going into my mind so I gave up and decided to read book instead. Found a quiet spot at a corner and read for 2 hours. Can't believe I can do that HAHAHA.

Everyone go and read Dorothy Koomson's book go go go. :D Hahaha.

Next post will be on Teacher's Day celebration and Escape Theme Park which I went yesterday. Till then!