Monday 31 October 2011

Insecurity will destroy you.

I've a million things that I wanna do on my to-do list currently hahaha alright here are some:

  • Go shopping. ☺☺☺ 
  • Exercise. ☺
  • Tidy up my room. -Lazy- ☹☹☹
  • Go to USS. ☺☺☺
  • Travel overseas. ☺☺☺
  • Meet up with my friends. ☺☺
  • Finish up my holiday homework. ☹
  • Get a personal laptop. -Hopefully!!!- ☺☺☺ ♥♥♥

Okay I think some them should be on my wishlist. Anyway I'm too lazy to list them all hahaha. Well, the meet the parents session wasn't that bad though. ☺ I think we had the longest chat cause it was about 30 minutes. LOL. My mum and Mdm Nazeefah discussed mainly on my results and as expected, she mentioned about my attire. Ankle socks and fringe. ☹

Although I improved, my percentage is still under average. ☹ I've to work much harder next year and focus mainly on Maths and Science cause I'll never ever gonna take D&T or Art in Secondary 3. If I really have no choice but to take either of them then my O'levels confirm gg. I failed my Art and that's the only subject I failed overall.  (I know it's almost impossible to fail Art!) Sad. ☹

Went to Orchard with Yeechin last Wednesday and it sucks lol. We went to H&M and it was so disappointing cause at first I thought that I would be buying a lot of things but I end up buying nothing. We didn't even went into the fitting room HAHA. I guess we went there at the wrong period of time cause they're mostly selling winter apparels. ☹

But I went to Topshop at Tampines 1 after that and bought a shirt and a pair of shorts. ☺ Both of them were on sale. The original price of the shorts was $76 and I got it at $39 muahahahaha I'm so lucky. ☺ Whereas the shirt was $39 and I got it at $29. Happygirl98. ☺

Had dinner with mum afterwards at Bali Thai. I finally got a chance to have dinner with mum alone after so many months but she wasn't really willing cause all she was thinking about was my brother zzz forget it.

I finally cut my fringe. ☺ (Can you see the difference? Haha.)


Monday 24 October 2011

I was enchanted to meet you.

Elephants! HAHAHA. 

Hello. :) School will be ending in three days' time, to me it's both good and bad. The good thing is that I can have more free time while the bad things are I'll not be able to get allowance = no savings, I'm gonna miss my friends and for sure I'll get bored at home so I'll eat & eat & eat to kill boredom = I'll gain weight omfg. So I think it's better to go to school haha!

Saw the draft result slip today. The F9 is the first F9 I've gotten and it's my CA2 Higher Chinese result. As I previously mentioned, I skipped many of the lessons so I did not do the homework and I missed a lot of tests and that's why I got such a low mark. ): My mum's gonna kill me when she sees it.

Oh and somehow I think I already knew what the teachers are gonna say to my mum during the meet the parents session. The comments that they wrote about me in the result slip said that I have to pay more attention to the school rules especially when it comes to the school uniform. So it'll be on my attire. Is my attire really that bad?!

Just found the two pictures which are taken two weeks' back I think! Haha. 

Zoon Shang's pathetic phone. 

Hate my current fringe, it's so long. Gotta trim it soon. 

I really regretted not studying hard after the June holidays. No wonder I did so badly for CA2. I must say that I was damn slack at that time. But luckily I 'woke up' in September and started studying. LOL. Otherwise I really can't imagine how bad my results will be for now. The chances of going to N(A) stream or retain will be very high.

Omg LOL I just realised that my L1R5 for MYE was the same as CA2. Which means that both my MYE and CA2 results were equally lousy. LOL. Wow then this time round I think I really did well. I improved so much. Heh. I'll definitely drop Higher Chinese next year and hopefully I can score an A for Chinese so my results would be better. (But if the other results deprove then also no use ley HAHA.) Okay I must work hard!

Sometimes I really wonder what's wrong with the people in this world nowadays. Perhaps you've heard about this tragic news. A toddler in China was killed in a hit-and-run and she was ignored by 18 passer-by! Why were they so heartless? How can they just watch her bleed and not do anything to it? They're so cold hearted.

And there was a man who was burned alive! Why isn't there anyone helping him? What has he done to deserve all these? Maybe he has done something really bad but they can't just burn him alive right! Can't they see how helpless he was? The people there can even video tape it down, but why can't they just help him? So many people were watching and passing by yet none of them cared. Just a get life man. I hope that those bastards will be punished. Whatever they're doing, God is watching.

Saturday 22 October 2011

If only you knew how much I think about you.

I shouldn't have posted all the pictures at one go on the last post cause I have no pictures to post now. :\ So now I gotta post some of the pictures that were taken on Venise's birthday at NEX. You may have seen it on my Facebook but if you hadn't then these are the new pictures for you. :)

I'm now updating my phone to iOS 5, hope nothing goes wrong! I'm an iTunes/iPhone noob cause I don't know how to do backup and restore so that's the reason why I choose not to jailbreak my phone. What if everything in my phone just disappear? What am I going to do? Haha.

I've gotten back all my results and thankfully I passed all the subjects. :) I'm not really satisfied with the results of certain subjects though. Especially Science. The subject that I studied the most for yet the result sucks. I think I'm forever lousy in Science. ): From primary school until now my Science result is always ranged 50-60. Or sometimes even fail. Lol. There was only once or twice tyco I scored 60-70. But that was in P3/P4. I've never once in my life scored 75 and above for Science.

I'm very satisfied with my Higher Chinese result. :D I did not go for all the lessons which are on Tuesday as I went for badminton training. Before that, I even skipped one whole month of lessons. So I think I only went for around 5 lessons in total and it's EOY. I only started studying on the exam day itself in class during lessons. In the end I got 68 for it! That was so unexpected. :o Never mind if you think that the score is low cause to me, it's already considered very good. :) I improved 2 grades as compared to my MYE result. :D Does it shows that last minute revision works for me? Hahaha.

Another subject I'm satisfied with is Geography. :) I studied for it but somehow I forgot everything so the night before the exam I quickly went through all the chapters in the textbook. Amazingly I scored 70! Again it was last minute revision. :P I'm now wondering why the subjects that I'm not very good in turned out to be one of the better ones in EOY. Hmm.

Well, last minute revision for Literature was useless cause I was distracted. Anyway, I thought I'm gonna fail Home Economies but I passed it. :D The most disappointing subject is Maths. I could have gotten an A1 if I checked carefully.

In the previous post I mentioned that "I was busily preparing for EOY". Now I think that I have to combine both 'revising in advance' and 'last minute revision the night before exam' together as that works for me. At least revising in advance let me know what the topics are about so it helps to shorten the time taken on understanding them when I do last minute revision. And the things I revised always stays in my mind until the next day so it's just awesome. HAHA.

My parents are to go for the meet the parents session. Hopefully the teachers won't complain too much about me. If they're gonna talk about my results, I improved. So what are they gonna say? Praise me? Lol that's impossible. But if it's regarding my behavior, then cause I think they're gonna tell my mum about me always using handphone in class and not paying attention. LOL good luck to me.

P.S. I just finished downloading iOS 5, it's awesome! :)

Saturday 15 October 2011

Ending is the new beginning.

I haven't been blogging for almost a month as I was busily preparing for EOY. Goodgirl98. :P Now that it has finally ended, I'm starting to get bored cause I've got nothing to do at home as we don't have to go to school on the marking days.

The exam was quite okay except for Home Economies. I studied for every subject except for Home Economies so I think that's the only subject that I find it hard. We will be getting back our results on Tuesday, really hope that the efforts I have put in will be paid off.

And I want to go shopping! I wasn't allowed to go out and shop for the past one month so I only shopped online. ): By the way I noticed that many shops are having sale now! Hahaha awesome. I must go to H&M during the holidays. :D

Now it's time for many overdue photos! Only the last picture two was taken on Thursday. Hahaha. I'm so hungry now ok can byebye.