Monday 31 October 2011

Insecurity will destroy you.

I've a million things that I wanna do on my to-do list currently hahaha alright here are some:

  • Go shopping. ☺☺☺ 
  • Exercise. ☺
  • Tidy up my room. -Lazy- ☹☹☹
  • Go to USS. ☺☺☺
  • Travel overseas. ☺☺☺
  • Meet up with my friends. ☺☺
  • Finish up my holiday homework. ☹
  • Get a personal laptop. -Hopefully!!!- ☺☺☺ ♥♥♥

Okay I think some them should be on my wishlist. Anyway I'm too lazy to list them all hahaha. Well, the meet the parents session wasn't that bad though. ☺ I think we had the longest chat cause it was about 30 minutes. LOL. My mum and Mdm Nazeefah discussed mainly on my results and as expected, she mentioned about my attire. Ankle socks and fringe. ☹

Although I improved, my percentage is still under average. ☹ I've to work much harder next year and focus mainly on Maths and Science cause I'll never ever gonna take D&T or Art in Secondary 3. If I really have no choice but to take either of them then my O'levels confirm gg. I failed my Art and that's the only subject I failed overall.  (I know it's almost impossible to fail Art!) Sad. ☹

Went to Orchard with Yeechin last Wednesday and it sucks lol. We went to H&M and it was so disappointing cause at first I thought that I would be buying a lot of things but I end up buying nothing. We didn't even went into the fitting room HAHA. I guess we went there at the wrong period of time cause they're mostly selling winter apparels. ☹

But I went to Topshop at Tampines 1 after that and bought a shirt and a pair of shorts. ☺ Both of them were on sale. The original price of the shorts was $76 and I got it at $39 muahahahaha I'm so lucky. ☺ Whereas the shirt was $39 and I got it at $29. Happygirl98. ☺

Had dinner with mum afterwards at Bali Thai. I finally got a chance to have dinner with mum alone after so many months but she wasn't really willing cause all she was thinking about was my brother zzz forget it.

I finally cut my fringe. ☺ (Can you see the difference? Haha.)


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