Saturday 16 July 2011

You ain't serious at all.

Well, this is so true. The exact daily routine of mine. But I'm trying to change now.

Life has been good now, I like going to school. :) Our class actually had three new students joining us in less than two weeks, all from Shanghai. LOL. Currently I'm sitting with one of them who is Emily. I like sitting with her cause I personally think that her English is the best amongst the three of them. Therefore, I don't have much problems communicating with her. On top of that, she's also not a boring person. So it's pretty fine for me to sit with her.

Unlike Nicholas.

HAHAHA. No offence, but I gotta say that sometimes I really can't stand him and then I would scold him "猪脑" whenever I'm not happy with him or when I'm bored. (I guess I'm too random.) Anyway that means "pig brain" in English. I know I'm mean but I really couldn't take it anymore. Mingxuan was constantly saying that I'm racist and he's against racism. But recently he said he wants to join my racist group cause he thinks that Nicholas is very guailan. Fyi, I didn't had such a group. Mingxuan was the one who "created" it. Erm, so in other words, he couldn't stand Nicholas too.

Have not been attending any of the Higher Chinese lesson this Semester. Neither did I attend the Chinese lesson. I don't know where my Chinese marks would come from since the Chinese common test was over and I didn't attend the Higher Chinese lesson. It's great skipping Higher Chinese lesson cause in that case I would be able to go for badminton training. But I doubt that it would continue to be so peaceful after I get approval for withdrawing from the Higher Chinese class. The teachers would be questioning me why did I skipped Higher Chinese before I was approved to do so. Instead of attending it, I skipped it. I'm prepared for scoldings from the teacher and of course, my mum. I have been hiding the truth from her. The Chinese teacher had actually reminded me to continue going for the lesson so now I don't know what other excuses can I use. And I don't know why am I typing this out when I don't really care in the first place.

Anyway we had our first practical lesson for Home Econs. :) I like cooking, hehehe. But I don't understand why in school I was afraid of going near the stove, cooking, washing the prawns and hesitating when cutting the ingredients. But I had no problem doing that at home. So does that concludes that I only cook well when I'm at home? Hahaha, trust me, I really can cook! But perhaps only at home. I think it's because I'm not used to the school's stove and also the way to cut the food.

Okay so my partner was Rahmat and he really can cook. Hahaha. The dish that we prepared was risotto with mushroom and shrimps. The best food ever. Nah, not really. I'm just exaggerating it. I felt so proud when I tasted it. It was really delicious. The only part that I don't like about practical is that we have to wash everything that we used after cooking. Other than that, everything is awesome. :)

Have been acting like a nerd on the past few days in school. Hahaha I don't know why but I think it's fun and cool. Imitated last time Ruihuan's hairstyle: Centre parting. Then I wore my nerdy specs and tada, I became the Ruihuan #2. I did this is also because my fringe was screwed up after clipping it. Teachers were very strict on our attire this week. So they were always checking on us and asking me to clip up my fringe. And so, my fringe would go out of shape after clipping it up. Since it is already screwed, I shall just make it worse. I'm just being lame. Ending this post with the photo of me with centre parting. :B Nicholas being extra behind LOL.

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