Saturday 30 July 2011

Sometimes I hate wind cause it destroys my fringe.

Finally I'm here to update this blog. Basically almost everyday this week I'm spending about 12 hours in school. Hahaha yeah, that's right. From 7am to 7pm.

Went out with Yeechin last Saturday (23/7). Went to Tampines 1 to get my badminton shoes and then we headed to Orchard. :) Unfortunately, I realised that the pair of shoes is too small for me! Its like half a size smaller omg. My toes hurts badly yesterday during training due to the shoe size. I hope that my shoes would just expand and fits my feet. LOL.

Ok so, we went to Forever 21 located at Orchard Xchange. Surprisingly I didn't buy anything! Could you believe it? Even I myself couldn't. But all thanks to Yeechin, she was controlling me all the times. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy any other stuffs.

After that, we went to New Look and I bought two tank tops for $19.90. Walked around and I saw many other shops which sells it at a much cheaper price! -heartache-

You know we're Singaporeans mah, so very kiasu one must buy the cheapest stuff.

The sentence is totally in Singlish. LOL. Went to bugis street and I spent all my money there. No, wait. I remembered I was left with $1. Pathetic. We went home at around 6pm and that's all for shopping of the month. Currently I'm trying very hard to save more money cause I wanna go shopping again next month. Damn, I'm really crazy.

 "What are all these?" Hahaha Mr Rashid is so cute to comment on what I have drawn. 

I have a piece of sad news. I wasn't approved to withdraw from the Higher Chinese class. (Sad enough right?!) I have to wait until the end of the year to quit. In other words, Higher Chinese would be dragging my results down.

Attended the first Higher Chinese lesson this Semester and it sucks. The teacher was god damn boring and I'm sitting next to a weirdo. Don't say I'm mean or what. You don't know how it feels when someone is covering her mouth throughout the whole lesson (I don't know why she is doing that! -_-) and is unwilling to share the book with you when you doesn't have it.

And I had to take the class test which was terrible. I couldn't answer any of the questions. I had to check my phone for the meaning for the words and answers though I'm not supposed to do that. Duh, it's a TEST. My Chinese standard is really horrible.

Cooked chicken burger for the home econs practical. I fried the patty and I suppose it was successful. :D But one thing, I JUST CAN'T STOP EATING. LOL. Mingxuan said that I'm the worst home econs partner cause I can't stop eating. Eat and eat and eat. I don't know why I'm like this but perhaps the food is too delicious. It's cooked by me so definitely it will be awesome. ;)

I don't know what's wrong with Facebook. I was viewing my own profile picture (Oops. :P) and I saw this. 472 people liked Yeechin's comment?! HAHAHA joke. 

Please refrain from asking why am I posting retarded/epic faces of mine. I just like it. I can say that it's to entertain myself or to entertain you. Hopefully the pictures doesn't spoils the post. Oh, and I just got my fringe cut. Whenever I cut my fringe, it would be screwed up. So yup, I'm now that retarded kid shit two months back.

Yes, this is me two months back at Kailing's house. And now I'm the same. Sadgirl98. So be prepared to see the idiotic person on Monday in school. Please don't laugh at me. I know I very cute and you're jealous. :P I typed this just to make me feel better cause I look damn cui now. Maybe I should just go bang the wall and die.


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