Saturday 27 August 2011

Remember when.

Feeling hungry? :) 

Home econs on Wednesday and we baked tarts. :) It was freaking awesome. I always say that the food is awesome each time there's home econs practical lessons. Well that's the truth! As you can see from the pictures, it looks appetizing right. Hehehe. The tarts we baked were fruit and quiche tarts. :) Both were nice but I prefer the fruit tart cause there's custard on the base. :)

After home econs Kelly, Rahmat, Mingxuan and I slacked outside 1N2 classroom for awhile while I finished up my tarts. Hahaha, I think I'm the first in the class who finished it. I always can't wait to finish up the food after home econs. :>

Something very funny happened after badminton training on Tuesday! Venise, Tzehui, Huiping and I were having our drinks and chatting while Venise suddenly told us that the man sitting behind us looks very familar. I found him familiar too before Venise said it out.

So our discussion began. As we were thinking of his name, we kept turning back and laughed very loudly so I think he knew that we were having a discussion about him. After Tzehui went up and confirmed with him that he was the prime minister, I called my mum and finally we knew his name! Hahaha. He's Mr George Yeo, the ex prime minister of foreign affiars if I'm not wrong. :)

Hahaha we were very excited and Venise even went up to asked for his signature. I asked for it too after that! LOL. It was an interesting interaction with the ex prime minister.

Cool right. Hehehe. XD

Some pictures taken yesterday during class period:

Went to Tampines Mall with Shawn, Junwen, Joseph, Jason and Zhengyang after school yesterday. The boys were really irritating. They were going around asking people if they think that my leg is fat when we were at the bus stop. They were like, "Eh, she got elephant leg right?" They're so mean. Tsk.

Anyway, we met Venise, Tzehui and Huiping there too. All of them bought MacDonalds except for me. ): I'm on a diet. I really am. I vowed on the bus that I'm going to fast until the end of September. The fasting plan is that I won't be eating breakfast, recess and lunch. But I would be having dinner and of course, drink water. I feel like changing it to having 1 meal a day. That means I can have either breakfast or recess or lunch or dinner.

Haha actually I've already started this plan on the beginning of this week. Its still going on smoothly. :) And yes, I lost weight. Around 0.5kg - 1kg? Hahaha that's a lot to me already. I lost it in just 6 days okay! I shall continue with this and hopefully it works well. :) I don't really care if its unhealthy or not. I just need to lose weight.

Badminton training was fine. I thought the results of the selection of school team would be out but it wasn't. Venise and I were holding each other's hand tightly while the teacher talked to all of us. LOL. I can see that Venise was really very stressed. I think she said that if she's not chosen she would just change CCA. I'm quite scared of the result too, if I'm not chosen then all the efforts I've put in in these 8 months will be wasted?

I feel that my leg muscle gets bigger and bigger each time after training. Argh, why is that so! I hate muscles, they're so disgusting and furthermore, I cannot get rid of them! They stay forever. Unlike fats, there's still chance of getting rid of them.

Sunday 21 August 2011

The life of a pig.

Went to East Coast Park with Kelly and Shiqi yesterday. :) Met them at Tampines Mall and we went to Tampines 1 to take neo prints cause the machine at Tampines Mall was under maintenance. Took bus from Bedok Interchange to East Coast Park after that. Found a spot, left our things there and we went to the shore to play. :) It was very windy and sunny and I couldn't maintain my hair and my face so every picture taken was like !@#$%^*

Soon, Shiqi and Kelly's ex-classmates came. Then Kelly and I borrowed their bikes as we wanted to get a drink but we're lazy to walk. Hahaha. So we chatted, played for awhile more and went back with a deep cut on my toe. LOL.

That was how we ate when we forgot to take spoon. LOL. 


Look at the two wall posts on my Facebook. Seriously, I need to be on a diet. I'm getting fatter and fatter each day and I can sense that I would be overweight very soon if I continue eating. I'm really too fat, this is unacceptable. I hope I could earn a living by selling fats to others. If so, I would sell it at a high price and by then I would be a billionaire. But I think I would rather donate my fats to those who needs it. Especially the kids in South Africa. They're all so skinny. Hahaha this is just my imagination. Who the hell in this world wants my fats! I believe the kids in South Africa would prefer food to my fats.

I don't want to be like this omg. 

Saying all these is pointless, all so unrealistic. I must have determination. I must say NO when somebody offers me food. I must exercise more. I must lose weight!

Sunday 14 August 2011

Right next to you.

Tomorrow is Monday again, I don't feel like going to school. I've been lacking of sleep. A lot of sleep. Somehow I couldn't wait for the September holidays to arrive. I should be loving school as usual. But now, I just have an urge to have a holiday. Perhaps I'm sick and tired of the school life, and I need a break. I'm forcing myself to think on the positive sides when there are so much negative things. Especially negative comments made by my friends, my own classmates. I realised that they are all good 'actors' and 'actresses'. Not all, but a handful. People are actually backstabbing each other.

Just because I don't talk about my problems, doesn't mean they don't exist. I have numerous problems, but I try not to think about it. But whenever I'm showering, I tend to think about all my problems and that's when I have many 'whys' stuck in my head. Like why can't I make things better? Why am I doing such things? I just hope to clear all my doubts and lead a carefree life. Looking on the brighter side, I'm actually reflecting on myself. But I still don't see a change in myself. I'm making the same mistakes over and over again. People around me are changing. I really hate this change but I have to adapt to it. I believe I'm also changing. Nevertheless, in this changing world, I can trust God's unchanging word.

Time seems to pass very quickly in August. I've not been studying for the upcoming tests and exams. At the end of the day, I always feel that I've just wasted another day, again. I really need a holiday to recharge myself. During the holidays, I planned to sleep early every night, then wake up early in the morning to go jogging. I seriously need to exercise and lose weight. Even my mum says that I'm fat. How could I not believe her words? I'm getting fatter and fatter.

On a side note, I'm obsessed with this television programme. I think this is the best show that mediacorp has filmed. I'm sure that quite a number of you have heard of it. 'On the Fringe' is really a great show! This show is very much relevant to a teenager's life. I love Zhiyong! He's damn charming and handsome! I know you love him too. Admit it. (:

I saw the super adorable cat again in school last Thursday! :D 

I think this picture is really cute! A small boy and a cat together. Aww. 

Say hi to my bunny ear ring! ;) Hahaha. Just to clarify, its 'bunny ear' 'ring'. Not 'bunny' 'earring'.