Wednesday 30 November 2011

Sports camp.

All photos credits to Ms Cher.

Day 1. 


Hui Ping. 

Day 2.

Group photo after we finished our walk at East Coast Park. 

Then at night after we finished taebo we had this lucky draw thingy and the people were to do something before getting the prizes.

This guy is freaking strong lol. 

Beep test ahahaha. 

Day 3.

Everyone looked damn sian.

All want to sleep like that.

Ya really sleep hahaha.

It's suppose to be fun shot but some people looked so serious LOL. 

Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself.
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday.
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you.
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias.
Day 5 - Six songs that you're addicted to.
Day 6 - Five things you can't live without.
Day 7 - Four memories you won't forget.
Day 8 - Three words you can't go a day without.
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do.
Day 10 - One person you can trust.

Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you.
  1. The existence of lizards.
  2. My brother. 
  3. Someone showering at the same time as me at home. The water will turn colder and the water will be lesser. Lol. 
  4. Seeing an undesirable number when I step onto the weighing scale.
  5. That someone. 
  6. People ordering/forcing me to do something when they know I don't like it. 
  7. Regretting after buying something. 
  8. Parents nagging at me. 
Please help to click on my nuffnang ads on the right before you leave thanks. ☺

Monday 28 November 2011


Hi I'm back from the sports camp. ☺ Overall it was good. I just hate the beep test. I was like an idiot embarrassing myself there. Everyone must be laughing at me. The more I think, the more embarrassed I am. I wish such thing has never happened. Haiz I just want to dig a hole and bury myself in it.

This is roughly what we did in the camp: NAPFA test, sports lecture (boring but I was sitting at the back so I can talk, play, sleep haha), bouldering (indoors rock climbing), beep test (the worst part of the camp), circuit training (tiring but I like it lol), 10km walk at East Coast Park, taebo, doing jumping jacks at 6am, sports carnival (I did not touch the frisbee AT ALL).

I'll go for the camp again next year provided I can pass the beep test lor haha. But most probably I would be going cause I want the shirt! LOL. Sadly this year's impossible shirt sucks. The material is cotton (I want dri-fit!) and the colour is red. Crap.

Went out with Venise and Tzehui yesterday to watch Breaking Dawn. ♥♥♥ It's a super awesome movie, Edward and Bella were so sweet and Jacob was so handsome. Can't wait for part 2 to be out. ☺

Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself.
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday.
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you.
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias.
Day 5 - Six songs that you're addicted to.
Day 6 - Five things you can't live without.
Day 7 - Four memories you won't forget.
Day 8 - Three words you can't go a day without.
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do.
Day 10 - One person you can trust.

This is a 10 days challenge thingy I found on the net. I'll skip day 1 cause I did a post on it before. Here's the post by the way, #10 random facts. So I'll start with day 2.

Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday.
  1. Surf the net, which includes facebook, blogs, online stores, etc.  
  2. Breathe.
  3. Eat.
  4. Sleep.
  5. Bathe. 
  6. Imagine things that may happen/could never happen. 
  7. Plan things. 
  8. Use my phone. 
  9. Ask myself lots questions. Eg. "Should I buy this?" "How much money do I have now?" "When should I go out again?" "What should I eat today?" "Why am I so fat?" "Why am I so ugly?" "How to lose weight?" "Why am I still eating when I'm already so fat?" Yea, it always revolves around these questions.

Monday 21 November 2011

Be different.

Hiiiii Hong Kong I'm visiting you soon. 

Going to sports camp in 3 days' time. Actually my only concern about it is that there might be lizards when I'm sleeping or hiking. I'm forever scared of lizards. Other than that, I'm very willing to go for this camp.

I hope that I would be mentally and physically stronger after this camp. Haha. There's sports lecture for 2 hours wtf I think I'll just spend the time sleeping. But one thing for sure, I can finally distance myself from my family.

No picture to post so I have to post this fugly picture of myself. If you want my face to be nice, why not you give me money and I'll go do plastic surgery. Deal? HAHA. Anyway my fringe was screwed cause I was sweating.

Went to Scape with Yeechin and her sister yesterday as I rent a booth at a flea market there. I did earn some money and I've already spent $40 woah. Money is really hard to earn. Well, I really don't know what's wrong with my parents.

You asked me not to waste money but if I don't go, the money I paid for the booth will be wasted, isn't it? You never even give me any allowance during the holidays and what do you expect me to do? I asked for it but you refused to give me.

You said that I should be staying at home and study cause I'm a student. No, fuck you, then should I say that you should be doing your part as a parent and accompany me at home? Even if you're working, can't you even spare me an hour? Is it so hard? Is money more important than your daughter? Never mind, I'm forever alone.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

#10 random facts.

Hello! I'm blogging again since I'm really bored now. As you can see from the title, I'll be saying 10 random facts about myself today. :)

#1 I love food and that explains why I'm so fat.

#2 I love shopping. Whenever something caught my eye, I'll always try to save up for that item. I must also go shopping at least once a month, otherwise the feeling will be like !@#$%^&*. Perhaps it's like trying to quit smoking? Aiya I don't know and I don't smoke ok haha.

#3 My phone is always with me. I'll bring them everywhere I go.

#4 I hate the rain. I'm not those type of person who loves rainy days. I don't care whether is it a nice weather to sleep or not. I can always do so on sunny days too, just on the air-condition will do.

#5 I started blogging when I was in Primary 3. And I've changed my blog for umpteen times since then. So now I wish this blog will stay!

#6 My grades started to drop when I was in Primary 4, the year when I started playing Audition and was very addicted to it. I even sacrificed my sleep just to level up. That was so stupid. So it's better not to play those online games unless you have self-control!

#7 I have elephant/mickey mouse/big ears. I really hate it. That's the part of my body that I'm the most unsatisfied with and would choose to undergo plastic surgery if I have the chance. But I don't know if there's any plastic surgery to 'push in' the ears or not. LOL.

#8 I fear lizards the most. Only it can defeat me. And actually there's a reason behind it. I dreamed of myself sleeping with my mouth opened, and many lizards started crawling out of the drawer that's beside me and into my mouth. Ewww.

#9 I've always wanted to become a Secondary school student when I was in Primary school. I hoped that my life would be better when I'm in Secondary school. I hated my Primary school life cause it was damn fucked up.

#10 I'd rather text because I hate awkward silence over the phone.

Yeah so that's it. :) Feel free to ask me anything at my formspring and please help to click on my Nuffnang Ads!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

The one that got away.


Were you expecting this post to be on the Universal Studios trip? Ahahaha nope, I'm not going to blog about that today cause I'm very sleepy now. Going to sleep after I finish this post. :) 

I was forced to wake up to go for badminton training this morning. It was torturous cause I didn't have enough sleep. Went to IKEA for lunch after training with Venise, Tzehui and Huiping. Actually it's breakfast + lunch + dinner for me. So it's brunchner? Lolol I've only heard of brunch but never brunchner. Never mind, this is a new word created by me. :)


After I typed 'brunchner', I went to Google it and this word actually exists?! Omg it's no longer my creation.

Forget it.

We had a great time at IKEA. The food was so delicious. I've not been there for a long time already. I remembered I had spaghetti with meatballs the last time I went there. It's a long long time ago. They used to sell them, ya am I right? Don't tell me I'm wrong leh otherwise I'll be damn embarrassed. :$

In the first place I shouldn't even type it out cause I'm actually embarrassing myself if I'm wrong. Whatever, but from what I recalled, I really had spaghetti with meatballs there! Oh I have to emphasize a point. It's spaghetti with meatballs, not two separated dishes.

This is NOT what I meant. Anyway we had it for lunch. :D (Except for the garlic bread.)

This is what I meant. YOU HUNGRY? 

We walked around IKEA after that and we went crazy. We took videos of us acting as if we're in our own house and Venise is the guest. Something like that hahaha. Their showroom are all so perfect. It's my ideal type of house/room apart from those that are on Tumblr. :)

Stay tune for my next post alright. :) I think you could already predict what I'm going to say next right. Please help to click on my Nuffnang Ads on the right AHAHAHA thanks!

P.S. 11/11/11 was not a good day for me in the end. A lizard ruined it. ):

Friday 11 November 2011

You're the one I want.

(Click on the pictures to enlarge.)

This is a super hilarious and retarded chat between Bryan and I yesterday. Seriously damn joke HAHAHA.

So today is 11/11/11! Spent the whole afternoon at Tampines Safra for badminton training. Surprisingly it was not bad for me cause I suddenly can smash? Lol I have magical power. Today's actually a great day because...
  1.  The cruise trip is confirmed if nothing goes wrong! ☺ *throws confetti*
  2.  My mum is considering getting me a personal laptop fyeah. Hope she'll agree on it!
  3. I'll be going to Universal Studios with Tzehui, Venise, Huiping and Jason next Monday. I've already bought the tickets online yay~
  4. Tzehui, Venise, Huiping and I are planning to have a chalet in December. We'll sure be blasting Mistletoe for the whole day cause Christmas will be nearing by then. HAHA.
  5. We're also planning to bake cookies and cupcakes at my house since I have a big big oven in the kitchen that has never been used before. LOL. Hopefully my mum would allow them to come. I'll think of many reasons to convince her. ☺
There are so many plans ahead. I think December is gonna be an awesome month. I hope all goes well. ☺ Whoohoo I can't wait!

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Selling post.

Both BNIP, selling at $25 each. :) Please leave a commet or email me at if interested!  

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Turn that rain into sunshine.

Before you start reading this post or after you've read this post, please do me a favour by clicking on my nuffnang ads on the right and this link! Thanks! ☺ Please click on it! Don't worry, it's not virus or whatever pranks okay! ☺

Had BBQ on Monday. It was organised by my ex-swimming coach, who is now my brother's swimming coach LOL. He has also invited other students who are staying in the same condo. It was a blast! Everyone enjoyed themselves. There were good food, good games, everything was good. ☺

Perfect. Fabulous. Wonderful. Superb. Marvelous. Fantastic. Splendid. Awesome. Wow I'm crazy. Hahaha that's all I could think of. Words can't describe how perfect fabulous wonderful superb marvelous fantastic splendid awesome it was. ☺

We played a counting game then I owned all of them muahahahaha. Okay there's nothing to be proud of cause I'm the oldest there. :P

Oh and something epic happened...

Actually it was quite sad cause I've never encountered or expected anyone to call me aunty. (Except for those who were just joking.) But thinking that he's just a small boy, probably only 4 years old, I can take that as he has yet to learn how to address people correctly. Ok la whatever, I think I just look old to him. Or maybe I look like an alien but he doesn't know how to pronounce alien so he just said aunty. LOLOL.

After BBQ, we (some of the kids and I) played basketball and Ronald (our swimming coach) taught me how to longboard! And I think I already got the hang of it. ☺ After which, he lent me his ukulele (something like a guitar) and taught me how to play a song too. Yay I learned something new again. 


Ending this post with two photos of my qianbian face.
P.S. Please remember to click on my nuffnang ads and this link! , thanks! ☺