Monday 21 November 2011

Be different.

Hiiiii Hong Kong I'm visiting you soon. 

Going to sports camp in 3 days' time. Actually my only concern about it is that there might be lizards when I'm sleeping or hiking. I'm forever scared of lizards. Other than that, I'm very willing to go for this camp.

I hope that I would be mentally and physically stronger after this camp. Haha. There's sports lecture for 2 hours wtf I think I'll just spend the time sleeping. But one thing for sure, I can finally distance myself from my family.

No picture to post so I have to post this fugly picture of myself. If you want my face to be nice, why not you give me money and I'll go do plastic surgery. Deal? HAHA. Anyway my fringe was screwed cause I was sweating.

Went to Scape with Yeechin and her sister yesterday as I rent a booth at a flea market there. I did earn some money and I've already spent $40 woah. Money is really hard to earn. Well, I really don't know what's wrong with my parents.

You asked me not to waste money but if I don't go, the money I paid for the booth will be wasted, isn't it? You never even give me any allowance during the holidays and what do you expect me to do? I asked for it but you refused to give me.

You said that I should be staying at home and study cause I'm a student. No, fuck you, then should I say that you should be doing your part as a parent and accompany me at home? Even if you're working, can't you even spare me an hour? Is it so hard? Is money more important than your daughter? Never mind, I'm forever alone.

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