Wednesday 16 November 2011

#10 random facts.

Hello! I'm blogging again since I'm really bored now. As you can see from the title, I'll be saying 10 random facts about myself today. :)

#1 I love food and that explains why I'm so fat.

#2 I love shopping. Whenever something caught my eye, I'll always try to save up for that item. I must also go shopping at least once a month, otherwise the feeling will be like !@#$%^&*. Perhaps it's like trying to quit smoking? Aiya I don't know and I don't smoke ok haha.

#3 My phone is always with me. I'll bring them everywhere I go.

#4 I hate the rain. I'm not those type of person who loves rainy days. I don't care whether is it a nice weather to sleep or not. I can always do so on sunny days too, just on the air-condition will do.

#5 I started blogging when I was in Primary 3. And I've changed my blog for umpteen times since then. So now I wish this blog will stay!

#6 My grades started to drop when I was in Primary 4, the year when I started playing Audition and was very addicted to it. I even sacrificed my sleep just to level up. That was so stupid. So it's better not to play those online games unless you have self-control!

#7 I have elephant/mickey mouse/big ears. I really hate it. That's the part of my body that I'm the most unsatisfied with and would choose to undergo plastic surgery if I have the chance. But I don't know if there's any plastic surgery to 'push in' the ears or not. LOL.

#8 I fear lizards the most. Only it can defeat me. And actually there's a reason behind it. I dreamed of myself sleeping with my mouth opened, and many lizards started crawling out of the drawer that's beside me and into my mouth. Ewww.

#9 I've always wanted to become a Secondary school student when I was in Primary school. I hoped that my life would be better when I'm in Secondary school. I hated my Primary school life cause it was damn fucked up.

#10 I'd rather text because I hate awkward silence over the phone.

Yeah so that's it. :) Feel free to ask me anything at my formspring and please help to click on my Nuffnang Ads!

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